Pivotal Software (PVTL) provides a cloud-native PaaS (Platform as a Service). Its-subscription based and high-growing Pivotal Cloud Foundry or PCF is an app development platform reducing the complexity of building, deploying, and operating modern applications.
Pivotal Labs enables and assists its customers to accelerate their adoption of a modern software development process. The field is increasingly crowded, and the choices of means and instruments have proliferated, but this also offers Pivotal an opportunity (Q3CC):
the technical capabilities that enterprises will require in order to modernize are rapidly expanding, Containers, Kubernetes, microservices, agile and DevOps are just the start. Faced with this complexity, many organizations stall or are unsure how to get started.
PCF is cloud agnostic, running apps on a variety of environments, including on premise, cloud, multi-cloud and hybrid environments, and this ability is a competitive differentiator.
The company is still majority owned by Dell (NYSE:DELL) with its financial results consolidated into Dell’s accounts, and Dell and VMware (NYSE:VMW) are still helping with sales and product development (see below).
The market is certainly growing substantially as more and more companies embark on the digital transformation and move to the cloud, from the Q3 earnings deck: